Massages at Lake Pointe Inn on Deep Creek Lake
Getting a relaxing massage at Lake Pointe Inn can provide numerous benefits, such as reducing the stress and tension of our everyday lives. When making your reservations make sure to book one of our massage offerings.
Lake Pointe Inn offers Swedish Massage & Reflexology By Appointment.
Call today to schedule your therapy during your stay with us – available to inn guests only.
(*subject to the availability of therapists)
60 min $125,
90 Min $175
Swedish massage
Swedish massage is the most familiar of all massage techniques. This gentle, full-body massage will induce relaxation, rejuvenation and increase your body’s circulation.
Reflexology uses pressure points of the feet that correspond to specific parts of your body to release tension. This technique improves circulation and releases energy throughout your entire body.
POLICY: Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. Credit cards will be used to guarantee all appointments. If an appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours in advance the full amount will be charged to your credit card. Massage services available to inn guests only.